Data-Driven Superpowers for Sales Managers

Atrium helps AE, SDR, and CS managers use metrics to improve team performance

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Make Your Sales Managers Amazing

Atrium helps AE, SDR, and CS managers use metrics to improve team performance

Trusted by the world's best sales teams

and hundreds more!

Everything you need for data-driven sales management in less than 2 minutes

KPI Library

All the KPIs you need to manage AEs, SDRs, and AM / CSMs

Automated Data Synch

Instant connections to the systems where rep performance data resides

Proactive Goal Tracking

Set and proactively track weekly, monthly, and quarterly rep goals

Early Warning System

Statistical monitoring of key KPIs on a rep and team level

Rep Performance Diagnosis

Automatic root-cause analysis of performance issues or excellence

Made for Managers

Made for busy managers who need answers fast - not more dashboards to get lost in

Sales Management is Hard

You’re constantly being surprised by rep problems that are too late to fix.  Atrium provides insights to help managers see around corners and fix issues before they become problems.  Spend time coaching and fixing issues instead of looking for them.

All the KPIs that matter

  • Dozens of out-of-the-box core metrics for tracking SDR, AE and AE/CSM performance.
  • Track performance trends and changes over time.
  • Everything a manager needs to manage their reps and team, ready to go.

All the data you need

  • Instantly connect with Salesforce to calculate key rep metrics.
  • Add data from Gmail, Google Calendar, Outlook 365 Mail and Calendar, Outreach, SalesLoft, Chorus, and Gong for deeper insights.

Go for the goal

  • Set and proactively track weekly, monthly, and quarterly rep and team goals.
  • Automatically track outcomes and predict progress based on rep and team pace.

Emily Carpenter

Director, SMB Sales

“I’ve been able to streamline my 1:1 time with my team, hold them accountable to key success metrics, and get easy visibility into everything in our pipeline."

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See around corners

  • Monitor rep and team KPIs, detect changes in trends, peer comparisons and ramp.
  • Detect and alert managers, operations and leaders about issues early before they become major problems.
  • Spend time fixing rep issues, not looking for them.

Get to the root of the matter

  • Automatically diagnose the causes of AE, SDR, and AM/CSM performance trends.
  • Identify the "why" behind rep performance and fix it as needed.
  • Understand the secret to a rep’s success, and spread it to others.

Purpose made for managers & ops

  • Complicated business intelligence and dashboarding software is designed for data analysts - not busy managers.
  • Atrium was made for SDR, AE, and AM/CSM managers and the leaders and operations people who help them.
  • Say no to impenetrable walls of charts.

Weave data into all parts of management

  • Atrium brings data-driven management to all parts of your operational cadence, meeting managers where they are.
  • Send insights and metrics via email and Slack.
  • Embed metrics and dashboards in documents, decks, and meeting invites. Infuse your sales team with data.

Tammy Sexton

VP, Enterprise Sales

"Atrium infuses data-driven excellence across my whole sales organization and makes pipeline reviews extremely efficient."

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Proven, Repeatable Success for the Best AE, SDR, & AM / CSM Teams

Drive Higher SDR Productivity via Better Management

An Atrium customer saw a 50% rise in per-SDR opp creation and $80k in additional sourced bookings. Atrium identified a prospecting activity issue that was then managed and resolved.

Michelle Tuzman

Sales Operations Manager

“One thing we do to help make data-driven performance everyone’s job is by running sales ops-led “performance data 1:1s” with reps and managers, using Atrium.  This helps us easily break down performance against leading indicators, and flag potential soft spots in rep performance before it becomes a major bookings issue. And it shows managers where they need to intervene and coach.  

We in Ops love it because it helps everyone be more aware and raises performance. Managers and reps love it because they’re learning a new skill - and of course it helps them hit their goals.”

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